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Military Science IV

Military Science Army College of National Services

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Military Science IV


Transition from Cadet to U.S. Army 2nd Lieutenant is the first of two senior capstone courses in Military Science. Training includes Army operations, training management, communications and leadership skills; will participate in selected studies of Military History including a visit to the Saratoga battlefield; will attain knowledge and proficiency in several critical areas, as follows: Army training management system, coordinating activities with staffs, and counseling skills. These skills will assist in leading Junior Army ROTC cadets throughout the school year. Instruction will include lecture/seminar, case studies, practical exercises and military laboratories to include field-training exercises. One-third of the grade will include a measurement of ability to develop subordinate leaders and personnel. With the addition of MS 412, this training assists in the transition to the Branch specific Basic Course as Commissioned Army Officers possessing high moral character, instilled with Army values, physically fit, knowledgeable in basic soldier skills and a meaningful understanding of leadership and management. 2 Leadership Lab hours and 3 Physical Training hours weekly. 3 Lecture hours. Corequisite: MS 411 LL1. Prerequisites: MS 312 or equivalent. Students pursuing a commission.

Course Typically Offered



Maximum Variable Credits




Number of Course Repeats When Repeatable


Max Credits Repeatable


Department or School


College of National Services